Hamsters Health Care Guide

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A sick hamster is a sad sight to behold. However, most health issues in hamsters may be resolved, particularly if they are discovered early. Let’s look at these issues and how we can support your hammy.

These health conditions are categorized by bodily parts or type. I’ll try to link you to articles where I’ve gone into further detail about that particular subject.

hamster health care
Cute hamster

Hamster eye conditions

Most hamster owners are aware that hamsters don’t use their eyes. They both lack vision, whether they are Syrian or Dwarf types. However, hamsters’ eyes do reveal health problems.

The most prevalent of them is cataract kind of blindness. This is especially true for older hammies. Remember that a hamster without eyes will be able to have a life that is essentially the same.

Not being able to see will not be a major loss for him, as it may be for humans because he does not typically rely on his eyes.

Dental issues with hamsters

The most useful tool a hamster possesses may very well be its teeth. In order for him to be able to eat the hard, dry grains that make up the majority of his diet, his teeth never stop growing.

However, issues can occasionally surface. Teeth erupt excessively, potentially as a result of soft food intake or a lack of chew toys. Or a tooth could fracture, split, or develop an infection.

Here, you may learn more about hamster dental issues and how to handle them. Again, some animals may need veterinary care, while others can be handled at home.

For instance, offering the hamster a variety of chew toys to file his teeth on can help correct enlarged teeth.

But most of the time, hamster dental issues can be resolved. Antibiotic therapy will assist the hamster in recovering even in the event of an abscess.

Hearing and ear issues in hamsters

A hamster uses hearing as one of his main senses to find his way around. As a result, any issue with their hearing or ability to hear becomes severe hamster health problems.

Potential issues include:

  • Mites and other parasites that can penetrate a hamster’s ear deeply
  • A buildup of earwax can be uncomfortable and prevent hearing.
  • Possible brain infection is an ear infection.
  • Potential malignancy that could engulf the entire ear

Although the hamster won’t be able to do much on his own, these can all be treated. Actually, most of the time, the hammy will require your assistance with a health condition.

hamster health care
Beautiful hamster

Hamsters’ health and nails

There aren’t many nail issues. The primary purpose of a hamster’s nails is to scratch and paw at food or bedding. The majority of issues arise when the nails grow out too far, which is when troubles start.

When a hamster has nothing to wear his nails down on, they grow overly long. A lot of wood surfaces, perhaps a sizable, flat rock, or any other hard surface on his cage come to mind.

This means that a hamster that survives entirely on soft bedding will develop enlarged nails. The nails will eventually become very long and bend into the hammy’s paw. They may break and fall off occasionally.

Hamster parasites and skin/fur problems

Animals like hamsters are typically exceedingly tidy. This indicates that they clean themselves frequently during the day and don’t frequently attract parasites.

However, if their cage is dirty or contains fungus spores, they may get specific skin problems. Two of the most typical are:

In the hamster’s urine nook, the fungus Aspergillus grows. becomes whiter over time until turning black. Spores can be fatal to hamsters and extremely harmful to people as well. If this occurs, clean and sanitize the cage before rushing the hamster to the doctor.

Ringworm is a fungus, not a real worm. It will cause circular bald spots to appear on the hamster (hence the name). Those hairless spots have dry, flaky skin, which the hamster might claw at ferociously. Treatable, although a veterinarian is still a good idea.

Digestive hamsters health

For anyone, digestive issues are never enjoyable. However, due to the structure of their stomach, hamsters are more at risk than other animals.

You see, a hammy’s stomach has a sort of U shape, making it difficult for any gasses or bloating to escape. Yes, hamsters can pass gas when necessary, but not as effortlessly as people. And I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you probably won’t ever hear the hammy fart.

Given the hamster’s stomach and gut configuration, diarrhea is not a good thing. Likewise, a stomach ache. Be careful with these hamster health problems.


Hamsters health and wet tail

Syrian hamsters tend to have wet tails more frequently than Dwarf varieties. That does not, however, imply that dwarf kinds cannot get wet-tail at all. Just far less likely to acquire it.


Young hamsters who are up for adoption and have recently been weaned (around 4 weeks old) are most likely to exhibit wet-tail. It’s frequently caused by stress. Therefore, a young Syrian hammy that has just been brought home could get a wet tail. There is treatment, but it does not guarantee a patient’s survival.

Your hammy has to see a vet straight now, though. The likelihood of survival is quite good if you catch the symptoms within 24 hours.

There are several signs to look out for, such as a wet tail and watery diarrhea.

Hamsters with diabetes

Diabetes is a significant issue for hamsters as well. The Dwarf kinds are more prone to this, therefore the Syrians have it easier.

There are several possible causes of diabetes, but a bad diet is the main one. That entails a diet high in sweets and carbohydrates and minimal exercise. This is one of the main reasons, however, it is not the only one. These hamster health problems are not jokes.

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