Dwarf Hamster Eye Problems And Treatment

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Like most animals, dwarf hamster eye problems are real issues. Given the diminutive size of hamsters, it’s critical to understand how to care for your pet. Along with an infection, take care of any additional eye issues.

Continue reading to learn how to assist your hamster if and when he experiences eye issues. My male Syrian dog, Powell, occasionally experienced a sticky eye, but he was unharmed. Let’s now discuss the numerous eye issues that hammies may experience.

dwarf hamster eye problems
A hamster

Treating the eye infection in your hamster

A hamster can easily get an eye infection. Clean the hamster’s cage once a week to prevent it from becoming unclean bedding.

A stray germ on the hamster’s diet, such as on an apple or a stalk of broccoli, might also cause it. Or it might be for a variety of other causes. The key point is that your hamster needs your assistance because of an infection.

The majority of the time, if the eye is red, puffy, or hot to the touch, an infection can be detected. You can be sure that anything has contamination if there is leaking and pus.

The best course of action is to take your hamster to the veterinarian as soon as you can, so he can write a prescription for some antibiotics.

You might try cleaning your hamster’s eyes with saline solution until you can go to the vet. Essentially, the saline solution just has salt, and distilled water. Use it to clean wounds and has a structure that is nearly identical to tears.


Related post: Hamsters Health Care Guide


Making a batch of saline solution for your hamster is as follows:

  • 8.45 fl oz/250 ml distilled water
  • 0.008 oz/2.5 g table salt
  • 0.008 oz/2.5 g baking soda
  • A very clean pot
  • Clean cotton pads and a sterilized glass jar or cup to hold the saline solution.

You can use tap water or distilled water. If you use tap water, make sure to boil it before allowing it to cool to room temperature. Once that is complete, it can be declared sterile and the rest of the process can begin.

Dissolve the salt and baking soda in the hot water.

Then allow cooling to room temperature.

Keep in a spotless glass container or cup.

Take a fresh cotton bud or pad and dip it into the solution. It must be damp but not soggy that the hamster gets wet. A damp hamster takes a long time to dry and is particularly susceptible to illness.

Up until the pus is no longer visible, clean and cleanse the hamster’s eye. To keep the hamster still, you’ll need to scratch his neck.

For each wipe, use a fresh pad or bud. The saline solution needs to be kept spick and span.

At most, the treatment is effective for 24 hours. Make a new one if something gets into it or if it appears strange, murky, or unclean.

Make sure your veterinarian is on call in the interim in case you require any more information or direction.

Use whatever antibiotics you have at home sparingly! Contrary to us, hamsters not only require different dosages than we do but also have a different way of metabolizing medications.

Sticky eye dwarf hamster eye problems

Everyone is susceptible to developing sticky eyes. This does not imply that your hamster has an infection necessarily. Although it’s most likely something else, it could be that.

When you sleep, the crusty layer that you can see on your hamster’s eye also forms on your own. Your eyes (and the hamster) usually don’t become shut, but it might happen occasionally and hurt.

Additionally, the hamster may become very frustrated. He might try to scratch his eye with his paw and hurt it much more.

The remedy in this instance is very similar to that for the infection. Make a batch of salt water and store it at room temperature. To clean the hammy’s eye, use clean cotton buds or pads.

The crust will need to soften, which is the difference. It will take a few seconds of holding the saline solution-soaked pad on the hamster’s eye for it to yield.


Pinkeye dwarf hamster eye problems

Hamsters are susceptible to conjunctivitis like people. It might not be as harmful as the virus we above. A scratch, a minor injury, an enlarged tooth, or dust in the bedding might cause irritation. Since conjunctivitis is an infection of the tissue surrounding the eye, anything basically. This dwarf hamster eye infection is serious.

The redness and swelling surrounding the hamster’s eye, or, his eyelids, indicate pink eye in your hamster. In extreme circumstances, the entire face may swell.

Although pink eye doesn’t have any discharge, don’t be shocked if you do. Conjunctivitis has a clear discharge.

Your vet should handle this problem and be able to provide your hamster with quality care. You need to continually wipe the hamster’s eye with the saline solution in order for it to work here.

White dwarf hamster eye problems

Hamsters are susceptible to developing cataracts, which can interfere with their ability to see.

The fact that hamsters hardly ever use their eyes is, if you will, an advantage. They navigate and lead happy lives by using their keen hearing and sense of smell.

To my knowledge, a cataract cannot heal. It’s advisable to consult your veterinarian in this particular circumstance because my Powell never had one.

If a white spot starts to appear in your hamster’s eye, he may be developing a cataract. It could be one or both eyes, a single eye or both, a bigger area, or foggy, blurry eyes.

dwarf hamster eye problems
A nice hamster

Protecting and caring for the eyes of your hamster 

There are several other general safety measures you should take in addition to the light and temperature warnings.

Animals like hammies are incredibly sensitive. Even though they don’t get sick frequently, when they do, it’s dreadful. Here’s how to take care of, protect, and keep your hammy’s eyes clean.

The bedding should be kept tidy and changed once a week. Learn more about the secure bedding options available for hamsters here. additionally, when and how to clean his cage.

Because hamsters are extremely sensitive to dust, dusty bedding or toys should be cleaned. Make sure the floor is tidy even if you merely let your hamster cruise the home in his exercise ball. The exercise ball can become clogged with debris or dust, which could then get into your hammy’s eyes, nose, or ears.

Any toys or other items should be smooth inside the hamster’s cage. The hamster’s cage may contain wood objects with rough edges from improper sanding, especially in certain cases. If necessary, make sure to sand them down. Hope you benefited from the dwarf hamster eye infection article.

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