Dog Eye Problems That Are Common

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Dog eye problems are pretty common. They say that the window to your soul is your eye. They are, after all, a window into your health. Regular inspection is essential since numerous disorders, including several secondary diseases and inherited eye problems in dogs, might harm your dog’s eyes.

dog eye problems
A dog in shades

What Canine Eye Conditions Exist?

You may check your trusty hound’s eyes every day to see whether they are healthy without having a veterinary degree to know what healthy eyes look like. If you don’t regularly look lovingly into your dog’s eyes, how about making time once a month for a quick house checkup?

Keep in mind that the majority of eye conditions can result in blindness if addressed. Your veterinarian can do all necessary tests, identify the precise issue, and provide an effective course of therapy. but only if your dog is actually present in his office and the damage hasn’t worsened beyond repair.

When you notice something that doesn’t seem right, use your judgment. Believe me. Your dog will appreciate it! Your veterinarian will, as well, because the sooner you get in touch with them, the simpler it will be to remedy the issue.

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The Frequency of Dog Eye Problems

Dogs can get eye issues, and that is an understatement. The likelihood of an injury or illness is about the same for an animal that appears to have its head caught in every hole, ditch, and opening in the hedge.


Our various and varied breeds may include many positive characteristics that humanity has intentionally bred in, but they also contain some inborn flaws, some slight and others substantial. Even more difficult, the symptoms of serious issues and mild issues can often be startlingly identical.


Canines Most Prone to Eye Issues

Any dog could suffer from an allergy, infection, or injury. But did you know that some dog breeds are more susceptible to inherited eye issues? A dog with flat nose and bug eyes is more prone to develop corneal issues, such as:



Shih-Tzu Dog Eye Issues


Tofu Chows

Pei Shar

Dane dogs

Mastiff and bloodhound breeds

The extra hair around their eyes increases the likelihood of irritation in dogs with lengthy coats. These breeds may consist of:


Canine Cataracts (Dog Eye Problems)

The eye lens is primarily formed of water and protein, with everything exactly aligned to let light pass through and provide your dog with the best possible vision. On the surface of the eye, some proteins can occasionally group together and form a hazy glob. The dog’s vision will initially be unaffected by this, but if left untreated, blindness may result.


Although symptoms take time to manifest, you should be aware of your dog’s eyes being cloudy or having a white or blueish tinge. Some dog owners discover symptoms of poor vision when their dog runs into objects or fails to recognize individuals they should. An increase in water consumption and urination are two more potential symptoms.

Home Treatment

Surgery is the only effective treatment for cataracts. Time is of the essence because untreated cataracts have a high risk of turning into glaucoma or retinal damage.


A Medical Diagnosis of Dog Eye Problems

Your veterinary ophthalmologist will first ensure that the eye’s back is healthy before removing the damaged lens. After that, a new lens is in place to return eyesight to normal. The dog can be left without an artificial lens if that is not a possibility in some circumstances; while this will impact his vision, it will probably be less severe than if the cataract were left untreated.


Your dog will need to wear a cone of shame, have his or her exercise restricted, and maybe get medicine, topical antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs to hasten the healing process. Rechecks will be necessary, but after surgery, dogs’ prospects appear to be excellent.

Canine Glaucoma

A buildup of pressure in the eye comes from the severe disorder of glaucoma, which involves an imbalance of fluids in the eye. The body typically regulates the fluid, also known as aqueous humor, to maintain the eye in its proper shape, with a constant interchange between the inner eye and flowing blood.

The aqueous humor can occasionally be created more quickly than it can be eliminated, upsetting the equilibrium. 


Owners may observe that their dog’s eyes appear red, hazy, or discharged. When exposed to strong light, the pupil’s appearance may alter, becoming dilated, larger than usual, and maybe slow to constrict.

Due to the pain connected with this ailment, there may be some behavioral changes that serve as warning indicators, such as stumbling over everyday things or excessive barking. The eyes may enlarge or take on a greenish tint in more advanced stages.


Home Treatment For Canine Eye Issues

Once this problem has been identified, there is a well-defined course of treatment, which varies slightly depending on the underlying etiology. Applying for topical eye medicines and giving systemic meds would typically be the course of treatment.

The drugs reduce the pressure in the affected eye because this is a progressive problem. To prevent pain and give the dog a high quality of life, this keeps the dog’s sight for as long as possible.

dog eye problems
Dog’s eye

A Medical Diagnosis of Dog Eye Problems

There are a number of tools at your veterinarian’s disposal to help manage glaucoma, and medicinal management is frequently referred to as surgical management. Most of the time, the veterinarian will decide to perform surgery only after all other measures have failed.

Any treatment for this illness should always aim to lower eye pressure, preserve vision, and get rid of any pain. Common treatments include:

Surgical alternatives involve tiny implants.

Laser treatment

directly administers medications to the eye

Freezing cells that produce too much aqueous fluid during cryosurgery

or by surgically removing the problematic lens.

Prognosis The earlier the diagnosis, like with other eye issues in dogs, the better the prognosis. Because the diagnosis isn’t made until the disease is far along, the outlook for the initial eye is typically not good. The second eye’s medical treatment is generally more effective and can prevent glaucoma for several months.

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