Do Sun Conures Make Good Pets

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The Sun Conure bird species initially draws attention owing to its magnificent appearance. Individuals who fall in love with it do so because of its many other appealing qualities. Including a playful disposition and high intelligence. See some of the information provided below to find out more about Sun Conures and what it’s like to keep one as a pet.

sun conure
A sun conure

This Colorful Bird Species Really Does Love You

The Sun Conure is a medium-sized bird. With a finely proportioned body that measures about 12 inches from the tip of the beak to the end of the tailfeathers. Healthy birds have neither a thin nor a stout profile.

They have a traditional parrot appearance. But without the bulk and size of larger birds like macaws or cockatoos. This makes them particularly alluring to those who adore the appearance of more exotic bird species. Such people also lack the space to keep and take care of a very large bird.

They Make Noise

Potential Sun Conure owners should be aware that these birds are very noisy. This makes them a poor choice for people who live in apartments. They can scream piercingly loudly at any time of the day, particularly at dawn and dusk.

While hunting for food in the wild throughout the day, their contact call, which can travel miles, aids in locating one another. However, in captivity, people who live close to their neighbors may experience issues as a result of this degree of loudness.

Sunnys are not the loudest conures. But they are a vocal species and will always scream when necessary. Conures are known for making a lot of noise, so avoid getting home and discovering your gorgeous new bird is making a lot of noise. The sun conure’s cry is sharp and piercing and is released in rapid succession, however, it may not be any louder than a canary in terms of volume.

For the sun conure, periods of noise and silence are typical; but, a sunny that is uneasy or lonely may be constantly (and obnoxiously) loud. The sun conure can learn to pronounce a few words, although they are not known for being particularly good talkers.

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Lifespan Of A Sun Conure

A Sun Conure requires a significant commitment. This is because, given the right care, they can live for up to 30 years in captivity. Make sure you are willing and able to commit to caring for your bird for at least this amount of time. This is before you decide to take the plunge and bring a Sun Conure home.

They Can Learn to Talk

It’s clear that not all Sun Conures can speak. So some of them have managed to do so with considerable success and have amassed a vocabulary of a few dozen words. But generally speaking, it’s not reasonable to anticipate that a Sun Conure will acquire the ability to communicate verbally like other parrot species like Amazons and Macaws.

Sun Conures frequently like to imitate other sounds. Including whistles, microwaves, doorbells, and telephones. Some Sun Conures never replicate any noises at all and instead choose to use their species’ typical vocalizations.


A Sun Conure Is Colorful

When Sun Conures are young, their colors resemble those of the  Jenday Conure. But they are often thought of as the most colorful of all the Conure species. This is due to the fact that a mature Sun Conure has plumage that includes a variety of red, yellow, green, orange, and blue. And in some birds, violet tones.

The Sun Conure’s “eye rings,” or naked white areas of skin around the eyes, are another distinguishing characteristic. Many people think that these patches, which resemble the bare patches frequently observed in Macaw species, are desirable characteristics for a parrot to have.

sun conure
A sun conure

Health and Common Illnesses Of A Sun Conure

Conures, such as sun conures, are sometimes vulnerable to feather harvesting. Boredom and/or a lack of enough mental stimulation. These might be a cause of feather plucking if physical factors are ruled out following a thorough medical examination.

Give your sun conure a rich environment. One with lots of chances for play and foraging, as well as a consistent supply of secure objects to chew.

PDD, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, Psittacosis, beak malocclusion. Plus Aspergillosis is another disease that can affect conures. Your conure’s health depends on routine examinations by an avian veterinarian. One who can identify and cure numerous disease processes at an early stage.

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