Adopting A German Giant Rabbit

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German Large rabbits were formerly thought to be the stuff of myth and lore, but Robert, a giant rabbit, changed all that in 2007. The enormous blimp of a bunny was the size of a 5-year-old child when carried on his hind legs and weighed a whopping 23 pounds.

german giant rabbit
german giant rabbit

Features of German Giant Grey Rabbits

Although Robert the German Giant was notable, the breed as a whole is well known for its size. Due to their size and coloration, German Giant Grey rabbits have a distinctive appearance. Additionally, they have several traits in common with other large breeds of European rabbits. German Giants typically weigh 16 to 25 pounds and have a three-foot body length.

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Although they were both bred from Flemish Giants, German Giants and British Giants have several distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from one another. The German Giant, for instance, is bigger and heavier than the British Giant.

Additionally, German Giants have a rounder physique than British Giants, who have a wider front and hindquarters.

Grey Giant Rabbits

German Greys are primarily steel grey in hue, thus its name. But this breed’s rabbits can have black or bluish markings. Through extensive breeding operations, modern breeders are constantly attempting to introduce new hues into the mix.

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German Giant Health and Temperament Issues

When treated and cared for properly, German Greys make exceptionally obedient pets. But because they are easily startled, they can retaliate by biting and scratching.

Large breed rabbits are prone to specific intestinal parasites or bacterial illnesses, especially when fed an unsuitable diet. Flemish Big and Company claims that giant rabbits are also prone to spine issues like spondylosis.

German giant’s lifestyle requirements

For German Giant rabbits to get the exercise they need to keep healthy, they need a huge amount of space to roam. Many owners give their rabbits free rein to roam the house while still providing them with a sizable dog kennel where they can sleep and eat.

Similar to cats, rabbits will only urinate in one area of their cage, making litter-training them simple. This is crucial for a rabbit of this size.

Giant German rabbits like to hang out with other rabbits, but they don’t necessarily have to be Giants. They will get along with a regular-sized bunny just as well.

However, if you don’t want to end up with a lot of puppies, neutering is crucial and should be before introducing the Giant to other animals.


Massive Rabbit Diet

One of the secrets to making sure a big rabbit lives a long, healthy life is feeding it a balanced diet. If fed a high-fat diet, these pets can easily gain weight, which will cause joint problems, heart problems, and other health concerns.

The majority of the rabbit’s diet should consist of long hay, with full pellets added for variety. A variety of vegetables, greens, and ReadiGrass, high-protein food that is excellent in reducing health issues, are other crucial components of a big rabbit’s diet.

Some giants can consume half to an entire bale of hay each week. They will consume almost a half-cup of pellets every day, which is about the same as a Flemish Giant. One to two cups of vegetables should be every day, and one to two tablespoons of fruit once or twice a week is good.

Taking Care of Your German Giant

Because large rabbit breeds like the German Giant are less agile than smaller kinds, grooming frequently falls to the owner. The molting season often results in a significant loss of the thick, fluffy coat. To prevent the rabbit from ingesting the molt and forming hairballs, owners must routinely comb the molt of the animal. Additionally, as the rabbit ages, its back end will require continuous cleaning to stay dry and clean since once arthritis sets in, these bunnies tend to drag their back ends.

Where the German Giant came from

The Flemish Giant breed of rabbit is the ancestor of German Giant rabbits. Flemish Giants are a very old breed of domestic rabbits that have been domestic since the 16th century. They originated in or around the Belgian city of Ghent. The phrase “German Giants” refers to rabbits from Flemish Giants rather than a currently recognized breed of rabbit. These rabbits go by the name German Greys in several regions of the world.

german giant rabbit
german giant rabbit

Pet German Giant Rabbits

German Giants are fantastic pets that, in many respects, resemble both cats and dogs and rabbits. Unlike their younger counterparts, who spend the majority of their lives in cages, these huge rabbits feel right at home as members of the family and an important part of the family’s daily life.

A German Giant is more likely to enjoy cuddling up close to its owner, taking walks outside, and having free reign of the house than a tiny breed rabbit would.

Does This Rabbit Fit Your Way of Life?

These rabbits are entertaining, educational, and attractive, but they also need a lot of care. Therefore, before you buy a rabbit for your family, think about the money (for food) and the commitment you’re going to have to make to guarantee that these rabbits get the attention they deserve.

Their huge, brown eyes and soft, fluffy fur may be attractive, but don’t let them fool you. On the other hand, if you’re prepared and eager to work, you’ll adore this enormous, endearing rabbit.



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