6 Best Types Of Blue Parrots

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These ten blue parrots species are a pleasure to behold for people who adore the color blue. The exotic bird species we’ll be presenting in this piece are ten that will make you wish your pet was a little more colorful.

Some of them may be strange or unusual. But there are a variety of reasons why individuals pick different birds as pets. So there is something for everyone in the world of avian friendship.

If you’re in the market for a parrot right now, have a look at any of the well-liked parrots listed below! Some of these are entirely blue, and all of them have at least one blue component on their bodies.


The 6 best Species of Blue Parrots

blue parrots
A blue parrot

Yellow-Naped Amazon Blue Parrots

Although these normally green birds with a blue mutation are rather uncommon in the wild, many bird enthusiasts support this mutation to maintain their numbers high. Children adore this lovely blue color and want to play with them!

The yellow-naped Amazon is worth considering even though it takes a little longer to tame than green amazons because it has a tendency to get highly devoted to people who take good care of it.

Pellets, produce, and a range of other delights make up their diet, which is ideal for these kinds of birds.

In captivity, these parrots typically live for 40 to 50 years, so be ready to show your pet a lot of affection over the years.


Burke’s Blue Parrots

Another well-liked choice for folks who adore blue conures with a gentle yellow color to contrast with their dark feathers is the blue-vented parrot, often known as the blue-vented parrot. They are considerably less aggressive and timider than Amazons.

Compared to their Amazonian relatives, this bird has a lifespan of just about 5–8 years.

They are native to Australia, therefore before you buy one to keep as a pet, be sure you may legally do so in your area. Additionally, they typically consume fruit and favor figs as well as other treats like pellets or nuts.

Keep an eye out for these birds in the wild if you ever travel to Australia; they’re not difficult to locate. They frequently roam between coastal regions, such as Brisbane and Perth.

Red-Bellied Parakeet Blue Parrots

These birds may be quite tame and are as friendly as they come. You can distinguish them from other varieties of blue parrots by their red tail feathers. They are a lot of joy to own because they are quite little and reasonably quiet birds.

A little, adorable blue bird with vivid orange cheeks and a red belly, the Red-bellied Parakeet. Its head and neck are a dark gray color, and its breast is green with yellow accents towards the wings. It has brownish-gray wings and tail feathers, as well as orange rings around its eyes. They normally range in weight from 115 to 175 grams.

They are generally relatively affordable as pets and consume seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Usually, they have a lifespan of 12 to 20 years.

A red-bellied parakeet is a more affordable option because of its typical price of less than $200.

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Blue-Throated Macaw

The blue-throated macaw is a huge, strong bird with a stunning scarlet body and a brilliant blue head. The choice is better suited for knowledgeable bird owners because they are more aggressive and have a vicious bite. The loud bird you keep as a pet will demand a lot of attention, whether it comes from flying or other activities.

With a wingspan of about 4 feet and a weight range of 0.5 to 1.5 pounds, it is one of the biggest macaws. Because of its natural curiosity, this bird frequently follows its owners or perches on their shoulders.

These amazing birds typically have lifespans of 60 to 80 years! They are clever pets, so they will like conversing with you. It can learn to mimic sounds, and when necessary, it will speak up.


Blue-crowned Conure

When you walk into the room, this tiny parrot greets you with a strong, cheery presence. The majority of its body is green, which turns blue in the head region. Although they aren’t renowned for their capacity to mimic speech, they are frequently bred in captivity for their stunning hues.

The blue-crowned conure is a colorful parrot with a light face and black eyes. In contrast to the dark eyes are the bright cheek patches.

The blue head feathers contrast with the orange-yellow beak. They have a fairly light body type and are rather small birds.

They’re somewhat short-lived parrots, with an average lifespan of 20 to 30 years in captivity, but you’ll undoubtedly have many wonderful experiences with them over the course of their existence.

One characteristic of the blue-crowned conure is its tendency to talk a lot. They don’t sing, but they do create loud noises like squawking.

blue parrots
A blue parrot

Blue-winged Parrotlet

The blue-winged parrotlet is a stunning bird with all-green plumage and, as its name implies, blue wings. Normally, they have a 20-year lifespan in captivity.

The peaceful, sociable, and lively blue-winged parrotlet is a common pet. They will adore having you around, and you will experience affection. When keeping a bird as a pet, you can give it grains, fruit, and vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and broccoli, as well as the odd treat of chopped nuts or seeds.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to keep your blue-winged parrotlet safely in a large cage because they aren’t known to be escape artists and can be kept in a tiny cage.

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